
Deborah Brown - Good News

Deborah Brown brings us, "Good News" for the holidays & year round on Purpose Driven Records.

We work with so many varieties of artist & their music throughout the year, with DJs playing in clubs, parties, mixshows & radio. This is one of those occasions where we get to introduce you to an inspiring artist & her music that will lift your spirits throughout the holidays & beyond. Get to know Deborah Brown & her husband below, Don't forget to vote, comment & share this page with your family & friends. 

Q & A with Deborah & her husband, Dr. Jerry Brown

1. How did you get your initial start in music?

Deborah: I was bless by God To sing, and my husband, had the Money through his Nutrition Business to fund it.

Dr Jerry Brown: I was bless by God to take Our struggles, Life relationship with God and put them on paper so that Deborah could sing them.

2. What would be your ultimate aim in the industry?

Deborah: Bless People all over the world with the Gift of Jesus Love Through song!

Dr Jerry Brown: sell one Million Albums in one week, Connect 6 songs to a full featured movie of my life.

3. How long have you been writing your own music?

8 Months

4. Who are your top three influences and why?

Deborah: My Grand-kids, My family, My awesome Husband.

Dr Jerry Brown: 1 My Mother, she raised 7 kids on welfare in the Bronx NY and she demonstrated, no matter, what Go For Greatness.

2 Military Leadership, they Inspired me to be all that I could be! 3 Jesus, He Is Me all and all.

5. Is there anything you would like people to know about your current release?

Deborah: You will Be Bless By Every Song.

Dr Jerry Brown: the most powerful Gospel Album ever Produced, Every Song is a single HIT.

6. Where are you based and what’s your local scene like? Any favorite venues?

Atlanta Ga, Channel 57 Local TV, No Venues here Yet, but we are set for an 18 city tour 2015.

7. Who else can you recommend from your local scene for people to have a listen to?

“The Campaign Is On” Concert 2015


Tour will be cross-country. The regions the tour will consist in are listed below:

Region 4- Marianne Eggleston, assistant is Johnny Diggs.

Tour during the month of April 2015. - Miami, FL - Atlanta, GA - Memphis, TN

Region 3- Gus Redmond, assistant is Garrick Redmond.

Tour during the month of May 2015. - Chicago, IL - Detroit, MI - Cleveland, OH

Region 5- Robert Terrell, assistant is Crazy Dred.

Tour during the month of June 2015. - Jackson, MS - New Orleans, LA - Houston, TX

Region 2 – Robert Robbins.

Tour during the month of July 2015. - Buffalo, NY - Albany, NY - Richmond, VA

Region 1- Greta Hunter, assistant is Tyrone Hunter.

Tour during the month of August 2015. - New York, NY - Philadelphia, PA - Washington, DC

Region 6- Cecil Holden, assistant is Elizabeth Elaine.

Tour during the month of September 2015 - Los Angeles, CA - San Francisco, CA -Las Vegas, NV

*Details regarding the tour are still in the works. Currently seeking affiliates/sponsors (i.e.: radio, T.V, media, sponsors, venues).


Connect with Deborah Brown

 website - www.TheJerryBrown.com

  - Deborah Brown on Facebook

  - Deborah Brown on Twitter 

Purchase your copies here

  - Deborah Brown


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