
Anything But Monday

Once upon a time there was 5 girls from Miami..... and we had nothing goin' for us and spent most of our time in detention for being bad.... and we were so poor that we'd pick up a penny from the gutter no matter what it had stuck to it.... then one day we met Ronnie from Starfleet Music Pool and he invited us to send our music to him.... and now we're signed with Universal Records and traveling all over the freakin' world... and we even did a beer commercial and it hit #1 on the music video charts..... and now we're gonna get put on the Lauryn Hill tour.... and we know that 90% of our audience came to exist because of the Starfleet DJ's talking about us and all.... so when any of you guys see us on tour, just shoot us a quick email and we'll bring you right up on stage with us.  We can use all the help we can get!!!!

Samanda from Anything But Monday

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