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Redme Heddub - Last Night

New R&B hit by Redme Heddub, "Last Night" on John Lennon Records.

“Redme Heddub” hailing from Mocho Mountain region of Clarendon, Jamaica has released his most recent re mix of his Ep excerpted from his upcoming album “Inferiority Girl Complex”, shines with his own brand of rub-a-dub reggae music. Redme Heddub is a multi-instrumentalist who performs drums, guitar and vocals in nightclubs and theatre productions in Toronto, Canada and Berkeley, California. He has produced more than 100 songs, including five publish albums that have been released worldwide. His music and film was recently nominated in the “Emerging Media Arts”and the”Emerging Performing Arts” categories, for his movie ”Inferiority Girl Complex” at the prestigious 2012 Marty Awards, held by the Mississauga Arts Council in Canada. The Ep CD titled, ”Inferiority Girl Complex is due out in March 2013. Redme is renowned in the publishing circles of the music industry and has worked on his own movie and music videos. Redme Heddub is available for interviews on radio, television and for live performances.Redme Heddub is currently receiving club play with his remix single titled “We’re All Alone” and was charted at #14 on the top 40 Indie Urban/Hip Hop/Latin chart on April 16,2013. Also, Redme Heddub was charted at #28 on the Top-50 Urban/Hip Hop charts.

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0 #1 Franziska R. 2017-11-28 05:07
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